Doing effective SEO has evolved into a more “natural” and “social” process.Algorithm updates, particularly Google’s Penguin and Panda, are continuously changing the course mersin escort bayan numaraları of conducting search engine optimization. Penguin targets bad links while Panda goes after poor content.
Google, through their algorithm updates, has reiterated that website owners and search engine optimization practitioners must create a better experience for users. And that trying to manipulate rankings through keyword over optimization, link schemes, and black hat methodologies will only harm your website — and your business.
See our Infographic:
Here are some Penguin and Panda update-compliant SEO methodologies.

1. Publish High Quality Content
The era of run-of-the-mill, duplicate, and poor content is over. If you want to get into the SEO battle and win, then producing high quality, compelling content should be in your arsenal. Great content is key to increased visitors, more engagement, more inbound links and higher rankings.72% of B2B marketers use content marketing as part of their overall marketing strategy ~ BtoB MagazineOverall marketing strategy86% of B2C marketers use content marketing ~ Content Marketing Institute
Content marketing90% of consumers find custom content useful ~ TMG Custom Media
Useful custom content0% of CMOs say high quality content has a positive effect on audience attitudes ~ Custom Content Council
Effect of high quality content79% of marketers say their organizations are shifting to branded content ~ Forrester
7Shifting to branded content72% of marketers rate branded content as more effective than magazine ads ~ Custom Content Council
More effective content60% of consumers feel more optimistic about a company after reading onsite custom content ~ Content Plus
Onsite custom content

2. Stamp it with Google+
Google+ Authorship & Publishership
Google+ is not just the search engine giant’s answer to Facebook. Plus is a social layer that connects all your Google activities. Google+ authorship in particular is a powerful SEO tool as it stamps your content on your website or blog with your identity as an author or publisher; and you are given credit for every piece of content you publish. The accumulation of authorship credits helps you to rank higher on search engines.

Has 540 million monthly active users as of October 2014This is way up from 135 million in December 2012From only 100 million users in September 2012
Claim your Authored Content
By creating a Google+ profile and linking it to your website or blog, you can claim authorship of your content with your Google+ profile. Once authorship is claimed, your Google+ profile will show up next to your search results.
Get Indexed Immediately

Content posted on your Google+ will be indexed immediately into the Google search results, increasing the possibility of your Google+ network seeing your posted content in their search results. When your audience engages with your content it will be further advertised to your audience’s network. In this chain reaction, posts have the ability to go viral.
Great Content plus Google+ Influence Search Rankings
High quality and compelling content will most likely receive +1s and shares. These act like social recommendations, influencing what searchers see on Google SERPs while they are logged in to any Google account.

3. Blog It!
Create Content and Publish it on your Blog
Blogging revolutionized publishing content on the web and is the mother of social media. It is now, and more than ever, a great tool for providing high quality and fresh content to your target audience and for SEO.
Write informative and engaging posts that people want to read, make use of and share with their friends and you acquire back links without engaging in black hat techniques.
Blogging/Content Generation

Companies that blog have 97% more inbound links ~ HubSpot92% of companies who blog multiple times per day have acquired a customer from their blog ~ HubSpotB2B marketers who use blogs generate 67% more leads than those that do not. ~ InsideViewCompanies that blog receive 434% more indexed pages on average ~ HubSpotBusinesses that blog at least 20 times/month get 5x more traffic than those that blog 4 times or less ~ HubSpot

4. Do Articles, Press Releases the Right Way

Mass-produced articles and press releases are often tagged as duplicate or poor content, partly due to article spinning, anchor text over optimization and massive submissions. But when implemented the right way, well-written articles and press releases attract the right kind of site visitors.

70% of consumers prefer articles over advertisements when it comes to getting to know a company ~ Content Plus80% of business decision-makers prefer a series of articles over advertisements when it comes to getting information about a company ~ Content Marketing Institute
Just make sure to AVOID:

Massive submission of articles and press releasesSubmission to article and press releases farmsKeyword-rich, overly optimized anchor texts
Use Promotional Copy
Promotional content is a powerful tool. Consumers are attracted to promotional copy because people inherently like good deals. And it’s also a type of content that they will share with friends. Consumers visit a site over and over again to check on their latest promotions. Promotions attract visitors, are shared around and produce back links naturally.
Promotions attract traffic, leads, customers, and keep them loyal
83% are likely to tell a friend about a company that uses sales promotions, such as special offers, discounts or coupons76% said they have a positive feeling toward a company that offers online sales promotions71% said they are likely to be loyal to a brand that offers online sales promotions66% said online sales promotions improve a company’s image65% said online sales promotions help finalize decisions for undecided buyers

5. Share It Socially
It’s not enough to create high quality content. You need to share it with the world; make sure everyone sees it so that they can link back to your site and share it with their networks. Social sharing completes the modern SEO methodology of attracting social and natural traffic and links. Social media is beneficial not just to SEO, but also to sales as 90% of users listen to recommendations shared from friends.

92% of consumers around the world say they trust online recommendations from friends and family, above all other forms of advertising70% read other experiences65% learn more about businesses, brands, products & services53% compliment brands50% express concerns about brands, products & services ~ AOL & NielsenUsers spend 30% of their time online on social channels where content can be shared. ~ AOL & Nielsen
“Natural and social” SEO focuses on creating high quality content users want to read, use, and share. High quality content can spread naturally across social networks as well as build natural links. This consequently results to higher Google rankings.
Google Penguin and Panda updates are meant to improve Google search results for users. Business owners can do their share in improving the user experience by employing SEO service providers that use natural and social methodology. Quality SEO will result in increased exposure of your website, higher rankings in the search engine, more traffic to your website, and result in more sales for your company.
So if you want quality SEO done for you, email us at, or give us a call at 713-929-2244 today for a FREE in-depth, no pressure, no obligation consultation. We will analyze for you exactly where you are in your marketplace, how much marketing leverage there is available for your company and exactly what specific techniques you can implement to maximize your market share within one year. But, you need to contact us now, because we can only work with one company in your industry in your local market. This means that if your competitor calls us first, we simply will not be able to work with you in the future.
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