With costs as high as fifty dollars per click on some terms, buying keywords has rapidly become unprofitable and paid search terms don’t address the negative listings and complaints from top rank blogs about controversial companies. Instead the SVM program from Envision Web Marketing offers web video creation and distribution to build ranking with key terms. The program matches new algorithm metrics adopted by the search engines recently to recognize full motion video over text based links.
Most people will go first to the internet from the convenience of their home or workplace to search for a new product or service, including the one you offer.
Research shows that People will watch online videos that are informational and genuinely helpful. Hence, offering online educational video segments about your product or service gives your visitors the opportunity to conduct preliminary research, develop a comfort level with your business, and come prepared with any questions that are keeping them from making their final decision.
The bottom line outcome you want is to move a visitor watching your little video segments to move from ignorance to a qualified prospect and finally becoming a paying customer. But you want to do it in such a way that instead of you coming across as a salesman, you become someone who is helping them by sharing valuable information, thus becoming a trusted friend and advisor. As you know, people buy from those whom they know, like and trust, and that’s what you want your videos to do.

ComScore reports that nearly 90% of people will research online and buy offline. In fact, the trend is so popular that it was recently coined, “ROBO,” (Research Online Buy Offline) by Yahoo’s GM of Local, Frazier Miller at SMX Local & Mobile.
As it relates to online video, Recent studies show over 50% of all web traffic is now video. And it’s share of the internet `pie’ keeps growing. In fact, Youtube alone now accounts for 12%+ of ALL web traffic. This makes locally optimized video content even more critical to having a competitive advantage in the marketplace.
These statistics highlight that accessible, accurate, comprehensive and relevant business listing content on local search engines is fundamental to increasing awareness and conversion for your local business. In short, the simple reality is that we must all now integrate video-on-the-web as a necessary component of our overall marketing strategy.

In fact, the most recent statistics show that consumers stop watching the majority of online videos after just the first 20 seconds.
Or to put it another way, the novelty of online video has worn off.
For you, that means you can no longer get away with shooting blurry videos from a web cam. You can no longer get away with shooting “PowerPoint” videos where you simply talk over some slides. And you can no longer get away with recording “single scene” videos where you ramble on in front of the camera for 10 minutes.
Consumers have now become far too savvy. In fact, if a web commercial doesn’t grab their attention…if it doesn’t stop them dead in their tracks…if doesn’t “look like something they would see on TV”…they’ll just click away.
You must have videos that sell – Videos that engage the viewer’s eyes, ears and mind…while driving home the major benefits of your product or service…and…forcing the viewer to take a specific action when the video ends. To accomplish that, we use a process that ensures the success of an online video marketing campaign

For example, If you own a kitchen remodeling business in Houston, it helps immensely to know that they found your website by searching for “Houston Kitchen Countertops” on Google, as opposed to finding it because of your ad in Houston Home Magazine. If you track these customers and track how much they purchase from you, you will find out how effective your marketing dollar really is.
We want to deliver result for you. To do that, we will be in constant communication with you to get feedback and information about how many people are calling, whether or not they make appointments, and the quality of those leads. As expert marketers, we understand the real bottom line, and that’s where we want to make you successful. Are we helping you be productive? And are we helping you find the kind of business you find particularly satisfying, yet profitable? That’s our objective.
Customers who’ve watched a product video are 85% more likely to purchase. Could you use 85% more response, more sales? Just by putting a professional video on your website you could generate 4 to 7 times more action and reaction rates. Just think at how much business you could already be generating.
Schedule a Free Strategy Session Now!
We want you and your business to benefit from our services. We welcome and encourage your involvement during our consulting sessions. Nobody knows your business more than you do – let alone your marketing goals and objectives. Right now astute businesses are reaping the rewards of Video Marketing. You too can join the club and capture the attention of your customers. We are happy to share our expertise with you.
So, don’t wait another day, the best time to get your video marketing started is now. Catch up to your competition and expand your business to new horizons. We’re here to help make that happen.

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Call Us Today: (713) 929-2244
With a Strategic Video Marketing Campaign!